About us

More than 15 Years of Experience

Why Will You Choose Our Cleaning?

We understand that there are many cleaning services to choose from, and we want to make sure you know why we're the best choice for your needs. We're confident that once you experience our service, you'll never want to go anywhere else.

John Doel

125k +

Cleaning Done

12 +

Years of Experience

100k +


125k +


75K +

Our Follower


We Are Best & Professional House Cleaning

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

How We Work

Booking A Day

Scheduling an appointment with us is easy! Simply visit our website and click on the "Book an Appointment" link.

We Confirmation

Once you've made an appointment with us, you'll receive a confirmation email with all the details you need to know.

Process Cleaning

We then provide a deep clean of your home, paying special attention to any areas that may need extra care.

Happy Cleaning

We're passionate about providing the best possible service, and we'll go above and beyond to make sure you're satisfied.

"Clean House, Clean Mind & Happy Work Today"

Why Choose Us ?

Come Over

We offer a range of cleaning services that are tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Clean Priority

With our experienced and reliable team, you can trust that your home will be cleaned to the highest standards

Professional Cleaner

Our professional cleaners are trained in the latest cleaning techniques and use the highest quality equipment to ensure that your home is clean and safe.

Book Day Get Day

Book today, get clean today! At Bettermaid Service, we understand the importance of cleanliness, and we're committed to providing fast, reliable service.

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Cities Office
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Happy Clients
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We Are Very Happy For Client’s Reviews

I can’t thank this cleaning company enough for their dedication to providing top-notch services for the elderly and disabled. Their attention to detail and commitment to client satisfaction truly sets them apart.”

Jessica Febrina



“After struggling to find a cleaning service that could accommodate my allergies, I finally discovered this gem. Their allergy and asthma cleaning services have transformed my home into a haven of relief.”

Morgan Bebasman



“Managing a household with a disabled adult is no easy task, but this cleaning service has been a lifesaver. They’re reliable, efficient, and always respectful of our specific needs.”

Yogue Jenith




We’re a professional cleaning service with a commitment to providing the highest quality service possible. We’re passionate about creating a clean and comfortable environment for our clients, and we go above and beyond to make sure every job is done right.

Our Services